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So what does it take to be an artist?
I believe, as Picasso did, that all children are artists. I also think that genetics play are role too.
If you are youre an aspiring artist I want you to think of your earliest memories of art.....
Do you remember being given crayons at your high chair- do they even use these anymore?? I gave my own children drawing materials as soon as they could hold a crayon. Can you remember making little houses from cardboard boxes or rockets from toilet paper tubes? Are there memories of relatives drawing pictures for you while you looked on in amazement?! The first 'magic trick' right there in front of your eyes. A blank piece of paper becoming a boat or house or a tree. Were you amazed and enchanted? In awe of the 'talent' displayed ? If this makes you feel inspired, brings back lovely memories and generally puts you in your 'happy place' you've already done the ground work to become an artist.